Dancer . Choreographer . Producer . Designer
Founder and Artistic Director at Bumi Purnati & Bali Purnati
‘‘'Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself ”,
Restu Kusumaningrum
Restu Imansari Kusumaningrum is a dancer, choreographer, curator of contemporary art and culture; and currently an independent producer. She has a degree from the Landscape and Environmental Technology School of Trisakti University, Jakarta. Having an extensive background both in Indonesia and internationally, while she initially delved into her two major life-long fields of study: dance and theatre performance and landscape architecture, she went on to immerse in visual contemporary art and culture.
Early Life
Born in 1965 to a Javanese father and a Minangkabau mother, she grew up in a multicultural environment in which characteristics of both cultures found their way in her personality that felt attached to all that is art and culture, as well as a strong spirit of firm action and decision-making. Early on she was introduced to Javanese life by her grandmother, her father’s mother, who made batik and silver as well as gold jewelry. It was also at her grandmother’s house that Kusumaningrum learnt to drink jamu (a Javanese herb potion) on a daily basis. She also learnt Javanese cuisine and cookies. But, it was dance that has made an early impact on her life. Dance is for Kusumaningrum a dialogue in space between the natural world and the gravitational forces of movement. She was trained as a classical Javanese dancer from the age of 5 years old. She has performed extensively in Indonesia and abroad since 16 years old.
She toured with an Indonesian dance company in USA, India, Japan and Mexico from 1978 to 1988. She choreographed and danced “Before the Burning Sitha” at the Indonesian Dance Festival (IDF) in Jakarta in 1983. Her performance video and art installation “The Last Hornbill” in Balikpapan in 1998 brought Kusumaningrum international attention. In 1999 she performed in “The Days Before: DD&D III” directed by Robert Wilson for The Lincoln Center Festival in New York, USA. In 2006 Kusumaningrum danced at Monteverdi’s Orfeo directed by Chen Shi-Zheng at Majestic Theatre, Boston, USA.
Her achievements extend into choreography, art curatorial and independent production. In 1984 she was the producer for Tirtasari Pliatan Ubud in Leningrad and in Moscow (1986, 1988) organized by Indonesian Embassy. She collaborated with Ong Keng Seng for ‘The Flying Circus Project” for TheatreWorks in Singapore in 2000.
In terms of projects, and her leadership she first cooperated with six international friends to set up the Bali Purnati Center for the Arts in 1999 known in Indonesian as the Yayasan Bali Purnati which denotes an international non- profit cultural foundation dedicated to the preservation, promotion, presentation and creation of new directions in the performing, visual and design arts. It is also a center devoted to the documentation – in words, pictures and film – of traditional and new artworks.
In 2002, Kusumaningrum began the highly successful and much acclaimed collaboration with theatre director Robert Wilson on “I La Galigo” based on “Sureq Galigo”, the humankind’s longest creation epic by the Bugis people of South Sulawesi, Indonesia and adapted for the stage by scholar Rhoda Grauer. Rehearsals for the performance of the epic began at Robert Wilson’s Watermill Center in Watermill, USA and continued at Bali Purnati in Ubud, Indonesia. “I La Galigo” premiered at Esplanade Theatres on the Bay in Singapore in 2004 and has been continuously performed for 8 years around the world to much acclaim. The success of “l La Galigo” resulted in the epic to be included the UNESCO Memory of the World Register in 2011.
In 2007, Kusumaningrum founded an independent art production company Bumi Purnati Indonesia in Jakarta that aimed to produce arts in various disciplines. Purnati Indonesia seeks to act as an agent of transformation and incubator to explore new thoughts and concepts while collaborating to enhance cultural, intellectual and artistic exchanges within Indonesia’s multi-cultural society. Restu Imansari Kusumaningrum can be credited for bringing Indonesian contemporary art to worldwide attention by serving as the art director and producer of the Indonesia National Pavilion at the Venice Biennale Arte, Italy in 2013 and 2015. In collaboration with the Italian independent production company, Milan based Change Performing Arts, Kusumaningrum with her institution Bumi Purnati, facilitated by Indonesian government, she brought Indonesia National Pavilion at Venice Biennale Arte. In 2013 at 55th Venice Biennale Arte five contemporary Indonesian artists were selected to present their works in the pavilion themed “Sakti” which signified the importance of diversity. The same year she produced an enchanting gamelan odyssey with music direction Indonesian gamelan maestro-composer Rahayu Supanggah titled “Sakti: L’ Armonia del Cielo” for 2013 The Festival dei Due Mondi (the Spoleto International Theater Festival) in Spoleto, Italy. It was performed again at Pesta Raya Malay Festival of Arts at Esplanade Theatres on the Bay, Singapore in 2014.
A theatre work “Under the Volcano” inspired by Syair Lampung Karam 1833 was her next production and it was performed at the 6th Theatre Olympics 2014 at Dayin Theatre Beijing, China; at TheatreWorks Singapore in 2016; and Borobudur Temple, Indonesia in 2018. In 2015, she again organized the Indonesia National Pavilion for the 56th Venice Biennale Arte, this time presenting Heri Dono with his “Voyage-Trokomod”, the idea of the Trojan horse and the body of a Komodo dragon, a work that symbolizes a reflection on the past, present and hopes for the future through advanced and also ancient technology, all embodied in a mythical creature.
Restu Imansari Kusumaningrum is passionate about the culture heritage and preservation, the arts and crafts of the Indonesian archipelago and as a Cultural Creative believes that through a cultural dialogue that includes the traditional as well as the contemporary, the Eastern and Western philosophies and religions - pressing issues such as environmental degradation, inequality and international peace can be more successfully addressed. As an activist with a focus on the empowerment of women and Indonesian artisans she served and serves on a number of organizations: the Nusantara Foundation, the National Craft Council, the Lontar Foundation. She was a speaker at the National Conference on Performing Arts in Yogyakarta and at the National Dialogue on the Creative Economy by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce in Jakarta in 2019. She is at present time also the Board of Trustee of the Taut Seni Foundation, the Chairwoman of the Losari Foundation (since 2004 for empowering batik women in Central Java) and the founder of the Indonesian Pustaka Network (2020) which is now officially the Indonesian Heritage Preservation Agency. All of this aims to build and develop Indonesian arts and culture, as well as networking extensively with national and international artists.
Bettina WitteVeen, Jakarta, 2022
Seminar and Teaching in school of Art
‘Gending Sriwijaya - Tari Pakarena’ Contemporary Dance 1980-1998
Paintings by Restu
At Restu’s studio in Jakarta
Awards & Achievements
Success in Venice was measured by Indonesia emerging on the world map of contemporary art and included in the best ten at the Venice Biennale. She organized “Sufism: Sacred and Secular”, a music and dance performance for the Asia Society in New York, USA in 2016.
In 2015, Kusumaningrum was invited by legendary Japanese theatre director Tadashi Suzuki to Suzuki Company of Toga located at Toga Village in Toyama, Japan. The first collaboration since 2016 resulted in “Dionysus” directed by Tadashi Suzuki which was performed highly successfully among other venues at the Prambanan Temple, Indonesia in 2018; the Victoria Theatre Singapore, for Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) 2019 and the 9th Theatre Olympics, Kurobe City in 2019.
The second collaboration resulted “Electra” also directed by Tadashi Suzuki (2021) successfully performed at SCOT Autumn Special Performance held at Toga Art Park of Toyama Prefecture, Japan in 2021. Restu was invited to present Indonesia at the 9th Theatre Olympics 2019. Together with Japanese Composer Midori Takada, she inspired a production titled “The Journey of Life”, an imaginative story relating to Indonesian philosophy of life. The performance was held at an open air stage at YKK’s Maezawa Garden, Kurobe City, Japan in 2019.
Kusumaningrum is a recipient of the “Ordine della Stella d’Italia” from the Italian Government for her role in promoting cultural and social ties between Italy and Indonesia (October 2014). In 2019 the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture accorded her “the Culture Award” for her role as a Creator, Pioneer and Innovator in DKI Jakarta.
Bettina WitteVeen, Jakarta, 2022
Press & Media
Projects - Performance Art
I la Galigo
In 2004, Restu collaborated with the renowned stage director, playwright and visual artist Robert Wilson to produce the Bugis epic creation myth I La Galigo in a theatrical contemporary version and present it around the world during 8 years.
In 2012 Restu managed to broker with the Venice Biennale authorities who had banned Indonesia from participating since 2005. She then took it upon herself to organize Indonesia’s come back to the 55th Venice Biennale Arte with the National Pavilion that Bumi Purnati produced in collaboration with the Italian, Milan based Change Performing Arts, an independent production company, and for which she was facilitated by the Indonesian government.
Restu & Robert Wilson
Kidung Rajapatni
Music and dance performance “Kidung Rajapatni” Festival Trowulan Majapahit Trowulan Mojokerto 2014
Since 2016 Restu through Purnati Indonesia has been in collaboration with Suzuki Company of Toga, supported by the Japan Foundation Asia Center, to produce Dionysus directed by Tadashi Suzuki, the master of theatre and creator of the Suzuki Method of Actor Training, which is based on movement, culture and philosophical thought. After its World Première at SCOT Summer Season 2018, Dionysus, a cross-cultural adaptation of Greek tragedy, The Bacchae, featuring a cast of Indonesian, Japanese and Chinese actors, was performed at Prambanan Temple in 2018, Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) 2019 and the 9th Theatre Olympics 2019.
Restu has also been active as a dancer, choreographer, and visual artist, working together with such greats as Sulistyo Tirtakusuma, N. Riantiarno (Teater Koma), Ong Keng Seng (Theater Works Singapore) and many more.
The Journey
Purnati di TIM 2024
Sutradara : Restu Imansari Kusumaningrum
Syair : Mak Normah & Restu Imansari Kusumaningrum
Penari : Leoni Intansari
Fotografer : Fendy Siregar, Adi Nurbanatra, Guloock
Videografer : Fendy Siregar
Produksi : Bumi Purnati Indonesia
Behind the scenes
Performance Art Production
At the Theater Production of SIFA 2019
Projects - Visual Art
The Bali Purnati Center For The Arts
Bali Purnati Foundation is an art-based movement community that has encouraged sustainable performing arts and independent foundation since 2000. Bali Purnati has created more than 150 national and international collaboration works based on Indonesian culture in a modern way. Bali Purnati's art collaboration involves local and international artists - from Papua to New - York.
In terms of projects and Restu's leadership, she first cooperated with six international friends to set up the Bali Purnati Center for the Arts in 1999, known in Indonesian as the Yayasan Bali Purnati, which denotes an international non-profit cultural foundation dedicated to the preservation, promotion, presentation and creation of new directions in the performing, visual and design arts. It is also devoted to documenting traditional and contemporary artworks in words, pictures, and film. In 2007, Restu founded PT. Bumi Purnati in Jakarta is an independent art production company that aims to produce arts in various disciplines.
Purnati seeks to act as an agent of transformation and incubator to explore new thoughts and concepts while collaborating to enhance cultural, intellectual and artistic exchanges within Indonesia’s multi-cultural society.
Sakti, The 55th International Art exhibition of the Venice Biennale
The theme of the Indonesia Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale is Sakti, a concept taken from Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage and interpreted in the context of contemporary art practice. In Sanskrit, sákti refers to primordial cosmic energy and the personification of divine, feminine creative energy; it also indicates change and liberation. Of Indian origin, the Hindu concept of sakti was quickly integrated by Indonesians into their local cosmology, becoming associated with such mythical female figures as the rice goddess Dewi Sri and the South Sea Queen, and with certain objects like the keris (ritual dagger).
In modern day Indonesia, with 700 living languages, sakti can be translated into other words, but the meaning is almost always the same: a strong creative energy, divine and indestructible, that contains the capacity for achievement beyond mere human ability. It also can be understood as the feminine creative principle. As such, we chose sakti as the theme for the Indonesia Pavilion at the 2013 Venice Biennale – an exhibition that explores the inner, alternative power that is present in the creative struggle inherent in Indonesian art and life.
The concept of sakti has been the basis for our curatorial reading of art practice and has been used as a directive for the artists’ aesthetic explorations, which include historical and social aspects as well as personal memory and the value of local cultural pluralism within the global discourse. The norms embedded in sakti encompass the “other” power, a subtle form as opposed to brute strength, almost hidden, but nevertheless tangibly poignant. The challenge has been how to draw on the principles of sakti while illuminating continuity in the progression of past, present and future in a contemporary artistic language. The selected artists represent a cross-section of Indonesian artists working today.
Astari, the most senior artist, studied painting in the U.S. and U.K. in the late 1980s, and had already set up her workshop in the early 1990s; Albert Yonathan Setyawan is pursuing a master’s degree in ceramic art from Seika University in Japan. Entang Wiharso and Eko Nugroho are well known in the international art scene, Titarubi is recognized for her large scale sculptures and installation, and composer Rahayu Supanggah has participated in a host of international collaborations, such as Realizing Rama (a contemporary dance production by ASEAN), and created the scores for I La Galigo.
For the 2013 Venice Biennale, the Indonesia Pavilion has taken up residence in the Arsenale. It is a graduation of sorts, reflected in the ambitious scope inherent in the theme Sakti. Notwithstanding their difference in age, gender and the materials used, the participating artists have created works that interact with one another to articulate sakti as a cultural force, exploring the past, present and future.
The pavilion can be seen as a metaphor mirroring Indonesia’s culture of the present time: hybrid, syncretic and breaking through the borders of individual and social spaces. Such borderlessness is also revealed in the artworks, which include drawing, sculpture, ceramics, music (sound) and videos. While retaining their own character, the works interact with each other, through the pavilion’s layout, lighting and sound, all revealing sakti’s inherent multiple qualities.
Source and images from :
Lempad - “Darkness is White”
A Multimedia Exhibition of Lempad “Darkness is White”. Held at Komunitas Salihara, Jakarta, Indonesia 20 June – 7 July 2019
Art Empowering Women
The Losari Foundation
Batik Losari is created in this creative house, located in the Losari Village, Central Java. The house aims to improve the existing creative house in Jlamprang Village and to empower local women of the area. Products of Batik Losari are created at the Omah Losari and Omah Jlamprang creative houses located in the Losari Village, Central Java. These beautiful batik cloths are created by women artisans of Losari Batik. A beautiful batik cloth is created piece by piece and requires perseverance, patients, and skill.
Batik Losari artisans in Omah Jlamprang originate from Jlamprang Village and are counselled by the Losari Foundation. They are the warriors in batik preservation and soldiers of their lives. Managing time for her livelihood and her family. Persevering batik by taking part in training to obtain expertise.
Source and image from:
The Artisans of the Losari Foundation
The Losari Studio
As creative person and desainer for the Art , she made STRIP bag with velvet material and so on hand made batik Sogan / dark brown and black .
The Tehnical Colouring with Natural Dye frm skin wood in central Jawa . Is all about new things when she made in 2010 . Will be made again in this summer 2025 . With title “ Manoreh “
My strip - My Geometris frm earth colour of Jawa .
Embroidery Batik
Kebun Seni Jampang Purnati Studio
Jampang Purnati Farming Art Space known as “Kebun Seni Jampang Purnati “(KSJP) which is located in Bogor Regency, West Java, surrounded amongst a beautiful green tree and functioning as a possibility for one of the Indonesian cultures fostered meeting places by Bumi Purnati Indonesia.
Jampang Purnati Farming ArtSpace as a Performing Arts Training Center will be growing, expanding and developing, starting with reviving plantations, farming and small-scale fisheries which are handled by the artists, as well as an open space for people’s meeting, practicing, creativity, exchange program, learning, dancing (traditional and international method) and many more. Discipline, a good time management, co-operative, initiative and synergy are the key factors for success in develop of KSJP’s educational program.
Purnati Indonesia’s goals and achievements in the future are, to establish a studio with functional activities in multi-cultural art and culture, a place for creativity, practice, educational with multidisciplinary and performing arts.
Address: Jl. Mad Nur No.43, Jampang, Kec. Kemang, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16310
General email:
Contact Person: Rina: +62 813-3858-4156
Kebun Seni Jampang Purnati
Tempat bersama kawan-kawan Internasional membuat Gagasan dan ide baru dalam Hubungan kerja sama . Kali ini dengan Mr. Nixon dan Ms. Maria Cristina Carbonel .
HYPATIA is a company incorporated in Singapore by Restu Kusumaningrum and Bettina WitteVeen, who shares a passion for Indonesian art and crafts, to promote a cross-cultural dialogue by producing international art events and unique wearable art. Their serious concern for the survival of Indonesian artisan heritage and their desire to empower Indonesian woman artisans led to the collaboration in HYPATIA.
HYPATIA uses as much as possible locally sourced materials such as fibre from fruit woods, reclaimed copper metals which are of minimum environmental impact. By supporting local women artisans HYPATIA not only provides a direct income, but empowers future generations by keeping endangered techniques and cultural knowledge alive.
Landscape Architecture & Environmental Technology
Omah Studio Penataran
Under The Volcano
Performances “Under The Volcano" was a success at the 6th Theater Olympics in Dayin Theatre, Beijing, China in 2014. The artist Yusril Katil brought up the events of natural disasters in one of the performances that was adapted from "Syair Lampung Karam" by Muhammad Saleh, in 1883. 'Under the Volcano' is a performance that records human reactions to natural disasters, as part of our life with nature. Panic, destruction, and after that it is always followed by introspection and vigilance.
#Ciputra #Artpreneur #Theater #Museum #Gallery #UnderThe Volcano #Play
Heritages Preservation of Palembang House
Built in Palembang, 1920
Reconstructed and moved in 2022
The Lady and The Waves
A project by Bumi Purnati Indonesia and Edm Productions
Performing Art / Opera
In parnertship with
The Bali Purnati Center for The Arts
“White Building” Taut Seni Foundation, Nusa Dua, Bali
Renovating and preparing the building for exhibition spaces for “Art - Science and Sustainability.”
“Gedung Putih” Taut Seni is a versatile creative space granted by the Indonesian government for Taut Seni Foundation to present Indonesian heritage in a form of artistic endeavors in front of a greater audience. It is styled in a white contemporary design that serves as a canvas for art communities all over the archipelago to showcase local creativity with global sensibilities, inspiring the public’s appreciation for Indonesian culture in its finest form.
Exhibitions and festivals having a vast space could host artworks such as installations, paintings, photography, crafts, and other cultural products. The building is well equipped to support the concepts that an exhibition or festival would need to present works or products in ingenious manner.
Kunjungan Ke Samarkand Uzbekistan
Panggung Maestro
Sudut pandang dewan artistik saat Panggung Maestro ke-3 awal mula di TIM (Taman Ismail Marzuki)
Di produksi oleh Tiara, ITV
Link :
Media Canvas
Bunga Kertas Dan Ombak Ukuran :60 x 45
Negeri Atas Angin Ukuran : 60 x 45